Доконані часи (Perfect Tenses)
Утворення і вживання майбутнього доконаного часу (The Future Perfect Tense)
Питальна |
Заперечна |
I will (shall) have worked. |
Will (Shall) I have worked? |
I won't (shan't) have worked. |
You will have worked. |
Will you have worked? |
You won't have worked. |
He will have worked. |
Will he have worked? |
He won't have worked. |
She will have worked. |
Will she have worked? |
She won't have worked. |
It will have worked. |
Will it have worked? |
It won't have worked. |
We will (shall) have worked. |
Will (Shall) we have worked? |
We won't (shan't) have worked. |
You will have worked. |
Will you have worked? |
You won't have worked. |
They will have worked |
Will they have worked? |
They won't have worked. |
1. The Future Perfect утворюється з допоміжного комплекса з дієсловом have (will have) і III форми основного дієслова. Цей час вживається не дуже часто.
2. The Future Perfect означає дію, яка закінчиться до певного моменту в майбутньому. Цей момент може бути виражений такими позначеннями часу, як: by this (that) time, by six o’clock, by the time he comes, by the evening, by the end of the week (month, year), before somebody comes і т. ін.:
I shall have read the text by 11 o’clock. — Я прочитаю текст до одинадцятої години.
By this time next year I shall have passed my final examinations. — До цього часу в наступному році я складу свої випускні іспити.