Доконані часи (Perfect Tenses)

Утворення і вживання майбутнього доконаного часу (The Future Perfect Tense)



I will (shall) have worked.

Will (Shall) I have worked?

I won't (shan't) have worked.

You will have worked.

Will you have worked?

You won't have worked.

He will have worked.

Will he have worked?

He won't have worked.

She will have worked.

Will she have worked?

She won't have worked.

It will have worked.

Will it have worked?

It won't have worked.

We will (shall) have worked.

Will (Shall) we have worked?

We won't (shan't) have worked.

You will have worked.

Will you have worked?

You won't have worked.

They will have worked

Will they have worked?

They won't have worked.

1. The Future Perfect утворюється з допоміжного комплекса з дієсловом have (will have) і III форми основного дієслова. Цей час вживається не дуже часто.

2. The Future Perfect означає дію, яка закінчиться до певного моменту в майбутньому. Цей момент може бути виражений такими позначеннями часу, як: by this (that) time, by six o’clock, by the time he comes, by the evening, by the end of the week (month, year), before somebody comes і т. ін.:

I shall have read the text by 11 o’clock. — Я прочитаю текст до одинадцятої години.

By this time next year I shall have passed my final examinations. — До цього часу в наступному році я складу свої випускні іспити.